WEEK 6 MSN 5550

1. Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions.  Please provide evidence-based rationales for your answers.  APA, 7th ed. must be followed.  

2.Attached you can find the case study

3.Please check for plagiarism and artificial intelligence(AI)


 Respond at least 2 times each The goal is for the discussion forum to function as robust clinical conferences on the patients. Provide a response to 1 of the 3 discussion prompts that your colleagues provided in their video presentations. You may also provide additional information, alternative points of view, research to support treatment, or patient education strategies you might use with the relevant patient. 



UNit 2 Discussion 551


A 41-year-old male presents to the doctor’s office you work at complaining of a sore throat and headache. Upon examination, he is diagnosed with a virus that is currently prevalent in the area he works. He is told to rest and drink liquids until the virus has run its course. He becomes irate and tells you he wants an antibiotic.

  1. How could you explain to him why he does not need an antibiotic?
  2. What are some alternatives you could consider for a patient who demands an antibiotic?

Instructions: It is a discussion post so 1 page to 1 1/2 pg is good enough. Apa format. Must have 3 references.

sociology discussion 4


Respond to two (2) of the following prompts:

  1. How has U.S. society’s understanding of race and ethnicity evolved over time? Why do the cultural explanations for race and ethnicity exceed the biological ones? What impact does constantly evolving terminology related to race and ethnicity have on racial and ethnic relations in the U.S.? (USLO 4.1)
  2. Explore and identify your community’s racial and ethnic demographics. What are some of the racial and ethnic conversations taking place in your community? How would you rate intergroup interactions among members of your community on a scale of tolerant to intolerant? Consider if notions like pluralism, amalgamation, expulsion, and genocide apply to your community. (USLO 4.2, 4.3)
  3. Compare and contrast the strengths and limitations of the theoretical perspectives on race and ethnicity. Is it beneficial to have several theoretical viewpoints on race and ethnicity, or should we focus on developing a single theory to study racism and ethnic oppression? Which theory do you find most compelling and likely to promote social justice? (USLO 4.4)


review the AACN DNP Essentials document and reflect on the competencies presented. Think of  your personal and academic goals and consider how those goals align with both Walden University’s mission and vision and with the AACN DNP Essentials. Reflect on the social determinants of health framework and consider how your academic and professional goals might align with addressing these elements as a DNP-prepared nurse

  • Explain how your academic and professional goals align with Walden’s vision, mission, social change message, social determinants of health, and university outcomes as well asand the AACN DNP Essentials. Be specific.
  • Explain how you plan to incorporate social change throughout your program of study and in professional practice. Be sure to include how social change may contribute to your practicum/field experience and your role in professional practice.

    2 page minimum Resources 

D-Case Study

due 10-16-23@10am



Hello, this work is on Advanced Pathophysiology, it must have a minimum of 300 words and a bibliographic reference. The bibliography used on the topic is McCance, K. L. & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: the biological basis of diseases in adults and children. But you can use another one in addition to this one.

1. Which form of cellular adaptation occurs because of decreased work demands on the cell? Explain your answer.

A. Hypertrophy

B. Hyperplasia

C. Atrophy

D. Metaplasia

public health Issues

 Identify 1 public health issue that you think it is important for nurses to advocate for. Why do you think it is important, what change would you like to see take place, and who would you direct your advocacy efforts to in order to make that change? 

Have at least three references


Name: Cara Jett
Age: 34 years
Provider: R. Mcbride NP
Allergies: NKA
Admit weight: 102 Ibs (46.3kg)
BMI: 17.5
Code status: full code

I just can’t eat. Every time I do, I have horrible pain in my stomach. My family keeps
accusing me of having an eating disorder. It’s not that I don't want to eat. It's that I can’t
without pain and diarrhea!


Nursing Note: Client presents for ongoing stomach pain after eating. Current BMI of
17.5. Last recorded BMI from 3 years ago was 22.2. States pain has been ongoing for
several years, more severe as of late yesterday. Client skipped lunch today. Current
abdominal pain is 2/10. States that she has tried using over-the-counter pain relievers to
help with the abdominal pain, but this has not been successful. Rates 2/10 RLQ
abdominal pain.


Neuro/Cognitive: Alert and oriented x4.

Cardiovascular: Regular heartbeat with S1 and S2 heard. No edema present. Capillary
refill <3 seconds. Bilateral pedal and radial pulses +3.

Respiratory: Lungs clear bilaterally.

Gastrointestinal: Abdomen flat, firm, hyperactive bowel sounds x 4 quadrants. Tender
in RLQ. Denies nausea. Last bowel movement was 1045 today. Loose, brown, mucous
looking – per client. Three loose stools today so far.

Genitourinary: Continent. No pain or burning when urinating

Musculoskeletal: Muscle atrophy present. +5 strengths for all extremities. Tenting
present on arm and collarbone.

Psychosocial: Anxious. Becomes tearful several times during visit. States her family is
accusing her of having an eating disorder.


Nursing Note: Follow-Up Appointment with Gastrointestinal Specialist

Diagnosis: New Crohn’s disease.

Follow-up appointment after colonoscopy and upper GI procedure. Had a CT scan of the
abdomen completed after the procedure. Rates 4/10 abdominal pain. Client is taking
prednisone and metronidazole as prescribed by primary care provider for Crohn's

Date Temp HR RR BP SpO2 O2

4/12 1345 96.8 °F

(36.0 °C)

78 18 102/54 100% RA

5/1 0945 97.2 °F

(36.2 °C)

64 12 94/45 89% RA

5/1 1000 97.2 °F

(36.2 °C)

69 12 104/50 92% RA

5/1 1015 97.2 °F

(36.2 °C)

72 14 110/52 94% RA

5/7 1430 98.6 °F

(37.0 °C)

88 18 138/78 99% RA

Date Diagnostic Test Findings


Upper GI

No abnormal findings.

Small ulcer found in the transverse portion of the large intestine with
evidence of more in the small intestine. Further testing, including an
MRI, is highly suggested.


CT Scan of

Impression: Thickening of the wall of the small intestine present.
Three small abscesses noted by entrance to the colon correlating with
recent gastric studies. No fistula apparent.


Endoscopy Center Nursing Note:

Client has completed an upper GI study and a colonoscopy with no noticeable
complications. Vitals stable. Drowsy but easily woken. Oriented x4.


Endoscopy Center Nursing Note:

Vitals remain stable. Client drank 60mL of clear soda and two bites of graham cracker.
Swallow and gag reflex present. Mild 2/10 throat discomfort present. Driver present and


Endoscopy Center Nursing Note:

Client discharged to home in care of mother, Nancy. Follow-up appointment made.