Reflections Week 1 NP 501

What were the most important concepts you learned in week 1? Why are these concepts important? How will they prepare you for your future role as a nurse practitioner? In what ways do you feel prepared for your new role? In what ways do you feel unprepared? 

Proposed Project Interventions

Please read the attachment for the instructions

Literature Review

 For this assignment, you will prepare a 3 to a 4-page review of the literature pertinent to a selected problem for healthcare research (A research problem of interest related to advanced nursing practice is the issue of inadequate pain management in postoperative patients. The significance of this problem lies in the potential consequences of unmanaged pain, which include patient discomfort, compromised recovery times, and diminished patient satisfaction. Effective pain management is not only crucial for patient comfort but also plays a pivotal role in optimizing clinical outcomes and overall healthcare experiences) and to use that review to propose a methodology to address the problem.


discussion replies

Respond to the four colleagues attached below with questions to clarify or suggestions to sharpen or finesse their explanation of their problem-evidence-change initiative linkage. please include at least 2 references each

Types of Shock

It is very important to differentiate between the different types of shock since treatment may depend on this. Complete the Comparison Table on the different types of shock. 

W8 M see attachment



Week 8

Midweek Comprehension Questions



NI knowledge, skills, and competencies are so pervasive in the modern technology-rich healthcare environment it is difficult to imagine one without the other. This course provided foundational and introductory knowledge regarding informatics with an emphasis on developing an understanding of concepts of nursing informatics (NI) and becoming knowledgeable about the application of informatics in advanced practice. Reflect upon one NI competency relevant to APNs which you learned in this course. Provide a brief summary (100 words or less) 

Discussion / Module # 2: Critical Theory and Emancipatory Knowing

Think about a recent situation in mental health nursing that you recognized as needing to change in some way and share your reflection with others in the discussion board. Did you take action to change the situation? If not, why not?

If so consider the following:

  1. Who did you connect with in some way to create change?
  2. What were the barriers that you faced in making the change?
  3. What facilitated getting something done?
  4. Looking back, what would you do differently next time around?

Submission Instructions:

  • Your post should be at least 450 words, formatted, and cited in the current APA style with support from (2) two academic sources. 
  • FREE of PLAGIARISM (TURNITIN assignment)

My background: I am a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner. I work at mental health clinic (outpatient services) and at a Psychiatric Hospital where I provide direct patient care, diagnose, and prescribe pharmacological treatments for patients with mental health disorders.

How to discuss

How to discuss


Iron Deficiency anemia

1. The week’s topics were choosen from the following website:  
Agency for Healthcare Research and QualityLinks to an external site.

2. Reply to the following prompt:


· Describe the diagnostic or screening tool selected, its purpose, and what age group it targets.

· Has it been specifically tested in this age group?

· Next, discuss the predictive ability of the test. For instance, how do you know the test is reliable and valid? What are the reliability and validity values? What are the predictive values? Is it sensitive to measure what it has been developed to measure, for instance, HIV, or depression in older adults, or Lyme disease? Would you integrate this tool into your advanced practice based on the information you have read about the test, why or why not?

3. You should include a minimum of two (2) scholarly articles from the last five (5) years (3 is recommended).

4. Your work should have in-text citations integrating at a minimum one scholarly article and the course textbook. APA format should be utilized to include a reference list. Correct grammar, spelling, and APA should be adhered to when writing, work should be scholarly without personalization or first – person use.

Advocacy letter

Preparation for writing the Advocacy Letter

1. Choose a topic that interests you.

2. If you are unsure what to advocate for or against, look at professional organizations for inspiration:



Maryland Public Health Association

3. Look for advocacy groups that are working on the issue. We don't have to recreate the wheel.  See what strategies the advocacy groups are supporting. For example: Brady and Gifford non-profits focus on gun policy. 

4. Decide if you want to make change within an agency, at the local, state or federal level. Find the decision maker appropriate to that level. Click here to
find your elected official.

5. If you are writing to a legislator, look at that person’s website to see their position on the issue. Please do not ‘preach to the choir’—that is, if they already support the issue, it does no good to throw more facts at them.

6. If you are addressing a national issue, and your legislator aligns with your proposed action, consider looking at the committee that would hear a bill about your issue.

a. If there is a proposed bill that has not been active, you can ask the chair of the committee to bring it back up in committee.

b. Click here to
check for federal bills.

7. If you are addressing a state issue, the Maryland General Assembly meets January- April of each year.

a. You can see if state bill on your issue was unsuccessful in 2018, and ask your legislator to re-introduce it in 2019.

b. Click here to
check for state bills.

8. For evidence to support your proposed action, use the One Search through HS/HSL for the broadest results. If you are still having trouble finding articles, the premier journal for public health research is called The Nation's Health.

9. Reminders from the rubric:

a. Include your ‘Ask’ clearly and concisely in the first paragraph. In busy offices, staff may not read the entire letter.

b. In the same vein, keep the letter one page. References can be on a second page.

c. Include your credentials. All of you are BSN Candidates (and add whatever other credentials you have). This adds a professional weight to your voice.

10. As always, please let me know of any questions.