Please Reply to the following 2 Discussion Posts:

Please see the attachment for the instructions

key populations and ethical considerations

Week 3 Key Populations and Ethical Considerations

· Points 50

 This week, compose the key population and ethical considerations portion of your research. In this section, address the following: 

1. Describe the key populations in your study, both the participants and the researchers. 

2. Describe any ethical considerations in relation to recruitment of the participants and your plans to address them. 

3. Explain any ethical concerns related to data collection/intervention activities (these can include participants refusing participation or early withdrawal from the study and response to any predicable adverse events) and your plan to address them.

4. Describe the treatment of data, who has access to the research data and the protection of confidential material. 

5. Explain any conflicts of interest that may arise if your study were to be implemented. 

This section of your research should be 3–4 pages in length, written in APA format with cited references. 

Review the rubric for grading criteria.

Points Possible: 50

A screenshot of a survey  Description automatically generated

A group of text on a white background  Description automatically generated

A screenshot of a computer screen  Description automatically generated




CONCEPT MAP based on the complete physical assessment perform and I have the information

Your paper must follow APA guidelines

Title slide: please include title of RUA, your name, name of school, number and name of course, instructor name, due date or session.
All information should be on its own line and centered.-FOLLOW APA GUIDELINES!
Please delete the highlighted areas when submitting, this is only for your reference.

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Highlight key areas of concern

General appearance:












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Pathophysiology (include what functional changes are occurring and what processes or issues initiated, lead, and are maintaining the disorder/disease)

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Pertinent Medical diagnoses/Reason for hospitalization:

Student name: ______________________

Date: ______________________

Client initials:__________ Age: ________________


High priority NANDA diagnosis

NANDA diagnosis

Psychosocial NANDA diagnosis

Short term (ST) goal:

Long term (LT) goal:

Short term(ST) goal:

Long term (LT) goal:

Short term (ST) goal:

Long term (LT) goal:

ST interventions




LT interventions




ST interventions




LT interventions




ST interventions




LT interventions







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Linkages and Rationale of Diagnosis

Short summary rationale for why these diagnosis were chosen and how they connect to the client’s current situation/condition

Rationale for why goals were selected

Should have a rationale for each short- and long-term goal. Provide references as applicable

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Infection control:



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Week 5

Soap Note 1 Acute or Chronic Conditions (10 Points)

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Must use the sample template for your soap note, keep this template for when you start clinicals.

Late Assignment Policy

Assignments turned in late will have 1 point taken off for everyday assignment is late, after 7 days assignment will get grade of 0 (zero). No exceptions 

Follow the MRU Soap Note Rubric as a guide

Use APA format and must include minimum of 2 Scholarly Citations.

Soap notes will be uploaded to Moodle and put through TURN-It-In (anti-Plagiarism program)

Turn it in Score must be less than 25% or will not be accepted for credit, must be your own work and in your own words. You can resubmit, Final submission will be accepted if less than 25%. Copy-paste from websites or textbooks will not be accepted or tolerated.

Please see College Handbook with reference to Academic Misconduct Statement.

The use of tempates is ok with regards to Turn it in, but the Patient History, CC, HPI, The Assessment and Plan should be of your own work and individualized to your made up patient. 

MRU MSN5600L SOAP NOTE Template 2021-1.docx MRU MSN5600L SOAP NOTE Template 2021-1.docx  September 4 2023, 10:25 AMMRU Soap Note Rubric 2021-1.docx MRU Soap Note Rubric 2021-1.docx  

research question

Define and describe the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. Include clinical manifestations, evaluation, & treatment.


FLU, COVID AND RSV VACCINE. please see attached file.

Response 1


My thoughts and concepts of trends in nursing have changed in different areas of nursing. I have learned that organizations such as the ANA are active in making changes for nurses and that nurses can also advocate and join the ANA.  I have also learned about new trends in nursing such as the demand for nurses to get their DNP, and how the mental health of health care workers will be a priority. With the many issues we face in nursing, I have learned that we can also speak to local legislative offices by sending letters, face-to-face appointments, and phone calls. The safe-patient ratio is still an issue that nurses are facing but I have learned that there are ways to battle that such as speaking to team leaders and also learning about the rules and regulations about staffing.  I think a  nurse-driven staffing committee that develops staffing plans that take the needs of the patient population into account and complement the knowledge and expertise of the staff should be required in hospitals. The American Nurses Association is in favor of laws and regulations at the state and federal levels that permit flexible nurse staffing plans and provide nurses the authority to design staffing plans that are unique to each unit. Direct care nurses are well-suited to contribute to the creation of staffing plans since optimal staffing is much more than just a matter of numbers.

week 5 discussion


Week 5  Discussion Forum


  • What  was your motivation regarding your research study? What have you found  along your research journey that took you in a different direction,  surprised you, or confirmed your ideas? Is there anything you would do  differently if you were to implement your research?


Michele Seibler

Yesterday Oct 11 at 8:42am

Option 1

I was a bit unclear on what a bureaucracy was until this week's lesson and readings. From what I understand and according to the text, a bureaucracy is a complex and hierarchal organization where several offices, each with a specific task, have a clear chain of command, and appointment and advancement of personnel are based on merit. A bureaucrat is someone who works for a bureaucracy (Greenberg & Page 2019, pg. 366). Bureaucracies are all around us – the DMV, financial organizations and insurance companies are a few examples. After understanding what a bureaucracy is, I think they can both help and hinder my life. Bureaucracies are something that we need to live as citizens of the United States, but often they have rules and regulations that can be a hinderance in many aspects of our lives. The rules and decisions of bureaucracies seem to be made without the public's best interest in mind, and the public often isn't involved in decision making. They all revolve around money. They are often unclear with the public, leaving people confused and overwhelmed with things they don't understand. It can take months to resolve certain issues or get question answered. Processes that should be simple can be very stressful. John Launer wrote an article titled “Battling Bureaucracy,” which is what it feels like sometimes. He explains how he jumped through hoops with bureaucracies trying to help a friend get money back. One of the things he said a couple of times in the article was “money problems figure more in peoples' lives than medical problems, especially now that we're in a serious cost of living crisis” (Launer 2023). One thing that is a large issue in bureaucracies is communication. These organizations are not good at communicating with the public; it often feels as if you're trying to talk through a wall. You could talk to one representative and have them tell you one thing, then speak to another and find out something completely different. This makes everyday things, like dealing with insurance companies, very stressful and difficult. If these bureaucracies can become more transparent with the public, it would help tremendously and there would be less confusion and frustration. 


Greenberg, E. S., & Page, B. I. (2019).
The Struggle for Democracy, 2018 Elections and Updates Edition (12th ed.). Pearson Education.

Links to an external site.

Launer, J. (2023). John Launer: Battling Bureaucracy.
BMJ: British Medical Journal (Online).

Links to an external site.
