Nursing Assignment

Choose one of the articles below, and address the essay prompt associated with it.

Park, M. (2009). Ethical issues in nursing practice. Journal of Nursing Law, 13(3), 68-77. doi:10.1891/1073-7472.13.3.68


Ethical issues in nursing practice Links to an external site.

Essay Prompt: Identify primary areas for legal and ethical issues faced by oncology nurses in this study (Park, 2009), and strategies they may have developed to work with those ethical issues.


Croke, E. (2006). Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent acts. Journal of Legal Nurse Consulting, 17(3), 3.


Nursing malpractice: determining liability elements for negligent actsLinks to an external site.

Essay Prompt: Identify primary problems that led to the malpractice suits (Croke, 2006), and identify the role the nurse played and what the nurse did wrong.

Your 1-2 page paper should include adhere to APA formatting and references/ citations for the article.  Additional sources are optional.


Respond to the four colleagues
 with preference to colleagues who selected different translation science frameworks or models from the one you chose. Recommend another framework/model they might consider and/or clarify their explanation of translation science. Cite sources to support your posts. PLEASE INCLUDE AT LEAST 2 REFERENCES OF EACH RESPONSE

 1 . One of the prominent theories that has been very effective in the incorporation of learned information into action is the Knowledge to Action (KTA) model. Spooner et al. (2018) stated that this model is the conceptual layout recommended to help individuals perturbed by the process of knowledge implementation to evidence-based practice. Knowledge creation and action cycle are the two major parts of the KTA model used to translate the knowledge obtained into clinical settings and the barriers encountered during this process are based on the practice conditions. When the KTA model is utilized one can ascertain that the knowledge obtained is from reliable research with long-lasting outcomes (Spooner et al., 2018).   

            The ease of translation of knowledge to action is the reason the KTA model is more popular among clinicians. Working in the correctional facility as a Nurse Practitioner, allows me to see a variety of inmates from minor to more serious crimes. Most of these inmates suffer from different mental health disorders including Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder and their manner of voicing their anger is significant. The complexity and interdisciplinary nature of correctional facilities necessitates a conceptual framework or model to help translate evidence-based information into action. Field et al. (2014) pointed out that the KTA framework was made to address the various complexities utilized in explaining the method of theory implementation into action. Achieving optimal health requires an increase in the quality of healthcare services and products delivered. Kastner and Straus (2012) opined that the information implementation process including synthesis, dispensing, interchange, and effective use is crucial in the advancement of healthcare

                                                                   Relevancy To my practice

              Due to the hierarchy in correctional facilities, working as a Nurse Practitioner in this space can be very demanding as the county sheriff is in charge of operations while the detention officers apply different rules in dealing with inmates with psychiatric illnesses. The “Use of Force” is the most likely used process by detention officers when managing violent and mental health patients and this unsafe practice can lead to injury on both parties. Moreover, utilizing force is dehumanizing, does not promote support, and is not a holistic approach. Although, assessing and stabilizing these types of patients can be tough for healthcare providers due to their presentation, abnormal vital signs, and violence against the care team. Relating the KTA model to my practice issue can be done by incorporating the two parts of the model the knowledge creation and the action cycle. For knowledge creation, pinpointing the “Use of force” as a limitation to the delivery of efficient care to inmates and the action part is the transformation model to dismiss the use of force. This action promotes social support in the setting and the change team consists of sergeants, nurses, nurse practitioners, and several mental health professionals. A specific example of the effective use of the KTA model was highlighted when a bipolar patient was accompanied to the clinic due to a psychotic episode. The patient had refused to respond to the officer's question during intake and was identified as a high risk for suicidal ideation/attempt. While the suicidal process was being implemented the patient became violent and aggressive. The change team took over the situation and incorporated the “action cycle” of the KTA model by leading the inmate to a quiet area and reassuring him of his safety. This deed by changing them caused the patient to become compliant with his admission and provided willingly all the needed information for the process. Horesh and brown (2020) emphasized that there is an imminent need to close the disparaging gaps in care delivery in major areas as the care team addresses the barriers and creates innovative ways to support individuals in need.

2 . The translation science framework/model I chose is the Iowa model for Evidence-based Practice framework because of the detailed algorithm. The Iowa Model algorithm is user-friendly and straightforward, guiding nurses to use research to improve care. The Iowa Model centers around complete organizational support for transitioning current practices with top priority triggers to current evidence-based practice. The model is designed as a pilot test instead of an instant practice change. The process begins with stating the trigger or purpose identified. The process then determines if it is a priority; once established as a priority, the next step is addressed. This step includes appraising and analyzing the evidence and determining if there is sufficient evidence. If the answer is yes to the sufficient evidence question, the design of the pilot is developed. Once the pilot is appropriate for a change in practice, the change is implemented.  

An example of a trigger appropriate for the Iowa Model use is the change in practice for pressure ulcers. The organization accepts pressure ulcers as a top priority. The next step is evidence-based practice research and determining if the information is substantial. Once evidence is validated as appropriate, the design pilot integrating pressure ulcer preventative equipment is developed. Once approved, the pilot is evaluated again for appropriateness and implemented into practice. In conclusion, I chose this model because of the straightforward algorithm.

3 : The integration of evidenced-based strategies into practice can be challenging, especially in behavioral health. Knowledge translation frameworks provide a systematic approach for translating knowledge into practice, which promotes and sustains practice change (White et al., 2019). The knowledge-to-action (KTA) framework is one of the most popular conceptual frameworks used in healthcare settings to support the implementation of evidence-based practice (White et al., 2019). The framework incorporates existing change theories from health, social sciences, education, and management fields to provide user-friendly action phases to consider during the knowledge translation process.

The KTA framework comprises two components: knowledge creation and action. Knowledge creation is the production of knowledge and consists of three phases: knowledge inquiry, knowledge synthesis, and creation of knowledge for best practice (Davison et al., 2015). The Action component guides the implementation process for change and sustainability consisting of the following phases: identify the problem; adapt knowledge to the local context; assess barriers to knowledge use; select, tailor, and implement interventions; monitor knowledge use; evaluate outcomes; and sustain knowledge use (Davison et al., 2015).

The practice problem that I am looking to address issues facing mental healthcare that negatively affect access to mental health services (Andrade et al., 2014). Inequalities in health and social circumstances perpetuate social and economic exclusion that leads to unequal access to health and its determinants (Marmot et al., 2008). The utilization of the KTA model allows us to critically examine and support the move towards health equity by addressing the causes of health inequities in addition to acknowledging the gap between knowledge and action to improve health equity.

4.The Knowledge to Action (KTA) framework is a prominent concept that emphasizes translating research findings into practical therapeutic applications. The primary objective of this strategy is to prioritize evidence-based interventions, particularly in contexts where the effective dissemination of knowledge is of utmost importance (Spooner et al., 2018). The KTA framework is primarily centered around two fundamental processes: generating and disseminating knowledge, followed by its practical implementation. The applicability of this paradigm is contingent upon the specific characteristics of the context. Nevertheless, its primary objective is establishing long-term treatments grounded in rigorous research (Spooner et al., 2018).

Within the domain of critical care nursing, the interplay between generating knowledge and implementing practical insights holds immense value. Critical care units manage many situations, encompassing life-threatening disorders and post-operative care. The intricate and interdisciplinary character of critical care environments necessitates the development of a systematic framework that integrates evidence-based ideas into tangible interventions. Field et al. (2014) acknowledge that the KTA framework is appropriately structured to manage the complexities associated with knowledge translation effectively. To improve patient outcomes and the healthcare system, engaging in successful knowledge translation is crucial, which involves the ethical sharing and application of research findings (Kastner & Straus, 2012).

Application In My Practice

Managing the difficulties encountered in a critical care environment is inherently arduous. In this context, the potential consequences are significant, and the implementation of therapies based on timely and evidence-based practices can determine the outcome between survival and mortality. For example, the selection of ventilation systems, sepsis management approaches, and hemodynamic monitoring techniques necessitates a foundation in empirical research while also considering the unique requirements of each patient.

The KTA model, comprising the elements of “Learning Paths” and “Action Cycle,” provides a framework for implementing evidence-based practice in the critical care setting. During the initial stage of learning, it is imperative to find optimal methods or standards tailored to specific medical diseases such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or septic shock. In contrast, the “action” step involves the customization and execution of these optimal methodologies by individual patient circumstances.

Let us contemplate a hypothetical situation when a patient afflicted with septic shock exhibits an inadequate response to the initial administration of fluids for resuscitation purposes. By employing the Knowledge-to-Action (KTA) paradigm, a critical care nurse can effectively incorporate current research about initiating vasopressors. This approach allows for the adjustment of interventions based on empirical evidence while also considering the specific circumstances of the individual patient. The need for knowledge translation is heightened in healthcare teams as they confront increasing difficulties, particularly in high-pressure settings such as critical care units, where adherence to evidence-based treatment is crucial (Horesh & Brown, 2020).

Pschy w 1


1.Define psychopharmacology and pharmacodynamics and describe the neuron’s cellular structure. Include the definition of synapses as well as their significance to the nervous and psychological system.

2.Research an article on neuron’s cellular structure works and explain what you found interesting about this topic.

Discussion should be 700 words minimum. References in APA not older than 5 years.

wk 1 disc 1


After completing the cultural assessment evaluation for self-reflection, share the results with your classmates. How did you rate based on the scoring system?  Is there any room for improvement? There is nothing to be shy about if your score was not optimal. 

  • In your own words, how do you define culture? 
  • What strategies do you plan to implement to enhance your cultural understanding? 
  • Do you have any thoughts on the social determinants of health?


Nursing Nursing Reflection Assignment

 As the term winds down, think about what you’re going to take away from this class.
The questions below should guide your thinking, but feel free to volunteer additional information if you feel it is relevant. You are expected to write a minimum of 200 words for this assignment. 



     How do acute or chronic health conditions impact a healthy individual ? 

Social Determinants


Give a one page description of the situation you experienced and explain how incorporating or not incorporating patient preferences, social determinants of healthLinks to an external site., and values impacted the outcome of their treatment plan. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how including patient preferences, social determinants of health, and values might impact the trajectory of the situation and how these were reflected in the treatment plan. Finally, explain the value of the patient decision aid you selected and how it might contribute to effective decision making, both in general and in the experience you described. Describe how you might use this decision aid inventory in your professional practice or personal life.

(Please Note: The underlined “social determinants of health” in the above content is meant to hotlink to the following Walden webpage and content:

Social Determinants of Health – Social Determinants of Health – Academic Guides at Walden Links to an external site.University)



You have learned a lot during your training to become a Registered Nurse. At this point in your education, where do you see yourself as a nurse? What unit would you like to work in and why?

To be able to care for patients, you must be able to care for yourself. What are some practices you plan to implement to help you care for yourself and why?


EBP PICO question Does the use of a flutter valve compared to no use of a flutter valve affect the outcomes of post op patients? Use 3-5 EBP journal articles less than 5 years .

Adapting to an Audience