SOAP note


For all the SOAP note assignments, you will write a SOAP note about one of your patients and use the following acronym:

S =Subjective data: Patient’s Chief Complaint (CC).O =Objective data: Including client behavior, physical assessment, vital signs, and meds.A =Assessment: Diagnosis of the patient’s condition. Include differential diagnosis.P =Plan: Treatment, diagnostic testing, and follow up


Clinical Case Report

Part 2: Case Description and Conceptualization

Part 2 of the clinical case report assignment should be in APA style (title page,

references, etc. but does not require an abstract). This part of the case report will likely

be 6-7 pages, without references. It should include:

(1) The case, with provisional diagnoses (already completed for the paper proposal but

likely modified based on my feedback and any other client information you find helpful in

conceptualization below). See above for guidelines about an effective case. (around 2


(2) A case conceptualization, to include risk and maintenance factors in the client's

diagnosis(es): (around 4-5 pages)

(2a) Should include a range of etiological factors, based on class readings and

discussions (i.e., cognitive model, memory, emotion, neurobiology,

social/contextual factors),

(2b) These etiological factors should be tied specifically to the case description

(that is, don't speak only generally of risk factors, but how this manifests for the

particular client). In some places (e.g., neurobiology), you may need to use some

conjecture, based on the literature. That is OK. However, your case should

include sufficient detail to be able to relate several risk factors to the


(2c) Should include discussion of risk factors for, AND maintenance of, PTSD

and/or related symptoms

(2d) Should be integrative, as all risk and maintenance factors intersect (e.g.,

environment affects biology, social context influences both; don't just list

etiological factors)

(2e) Should consider culture and intersectionality of client.

(2f) Should include references to literature (in APA style). NOTE: Please avoid

excessive use of quoted text, instead summarizing/paraphrasing when possible.

Quoted text should be limited to points in which you think the initial wording is

absolutely necessary to convey the author's point, and, in many papers, does not

need to be used at all.

Grading Rubric for Clinical Case Report Part 2: Case Description and

Conceptualization (75 points)

____/22 Case description. Student provides detail on client's background, traumatic

experience(s), symptoms and presenting problems, impairment/distress, and within this

description, sufficient detail to support the case conceptualization.

____/35 Case conceptualization. Student describes risk AND maintenance factors

in the client's diagnosis(es), including a range of etiological factors (i.e., cognitive

model, memory, emotion, neurobiology, social/contextual factors and culture and

identity). These factors are tied specifically to the case description, when possible

and are integrative (i.e., intersections among etiological factors are discussed).

____/9 Incorporation of empirical research. Empirical research and course materials

are incorporated effectively to advance arguments and are cited appropriately in-text.

____/9 Grammar, style, mechanics. Paper is in APA style, includes references, is

proofread, and contains proper grammar, flow, transitions, and headings as appropriate.

Nursing Week 6 Scholarly Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to explain how the Theory of Chronic Sorrow can be used as a framework for planning care and identifying resources in the following case: You are a case manager for a family with a young child diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Explain how the Theory of Chronic Sorrow can be used as a framework for planning care and identifying resources for this family.




  • Summarize your interpretation of the ANOVA statistics,  SPSS Output document.

maternal m2 diss


Case Study: A 16-year-old arrived at a local family planning clinic with pregnancy concerns due to unprotected intercourse. This encounter occurred two nights prior, and she believes she may be fertile but wants information regarding the “morning-after pill”.

  • What additional information should the nurse obtain during the assessment?
  • What educational information should the nurse provide to the patient regarding emergency contraception treatment and the side effects?

fundamentals M 3 b


Understanding and Optimizing the Rights of Delegation in Management

Student Name

Institutional Affiliation


Instructor’s Name


Understanding and Optimizing the Rights of Delegation in Management

Understanding the Rights of Delegation

Delegation is a pivotal skill set in the management landscape, as it enables leaders to distribute tasks to enhance organizational efficiency. Derived from the video “Delegation” and supplemented by the textbook readings, the Rights of Delegation emerge as a framework guiding this essential managerial function (Motacki & Burke, 2022). The Rights of Delegation encompass five core aspects: the right task, the right circumstance, the right person, the right communication, and the right supervision.

Beginning with the right task, errors might arise if a task not suited for delegation gets passed down. This can lead to inefficiencies and potential mistakes. The right circumstance, on the other hand, pertains to assessing the situational appropriateness of delegation. Inappropriate delegation during crises, for instance, can exacerbate the problem. Identifying the right person is equally crucial, as delegating to someone ill-equipped can result in subpar outputs and decreased morale. The right communication explicitly outlines expectations, and any ambiguities can lead to misunderstandings and potential mistakes (Motacki & Burke, 2022). Lastly, the right supervision underscores the importance of monitoring and feedback. Neglect in this realm can leave the delegate feeling unsupported and can give rise to mistakes.

Preventing Delegation Errors

To forestall these errors, several preventive measures can be implemented. Foremost, managers should exercise discernment in identifying tasks suitable for delegation. This requires an in-depth understanding of the task and the broader organizational context. It's also crucial to continually assess team members' skills and readiness levels, thus ensuring the delegation aligns with their capabilities. Clear, concise communication is indispensable, accompanied by regular check-ins to clarify doubts and offer support. Finally, feedback mechanisms should be robust, enabling the manager and the delegate to learn and grow from the experience (Crevacore et al., 2023). By adhering to these principles, managers can effectively harness the power of delegation to drive organizational success.


Effective delegation is not merely about distributing tasks but requires a strategic alignment of the right task, circumstance, person, communication, and supervision. By understanding and respecting these Rights of Delegation, managers can navigate the common pitfalls associated with the process. Implementing rigorous preventive measures ensures the smooth completion of tasks and fosters growth, collaboration, and trust within teams, thereby solidifying delegation as an indispensable tool for organizational success.


Crevacore, C., Jacob, E., Coventry, L. L., & Duffield, C. (2023). Integrative review: Factors impacting effective delegation practices by registered nurses to assistants in nursing. 
Journal of advanced nursing
79(3), 885-895.

Motacki, K., & Burke, K. (2022). 
Nursing Delegation and Management of Patient Care-E-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

week 6 discussion


Week 6 Discussion Forum

  • Research  grant opportunities are specifically available for nursing research,  especially those for nurse educators. Is there a grant that aligns to  your project? What steps would you have to take to apply?



1. APA-7 Format

2. MUST utilize credible data sources such as CINAHL, MEDLINE, Embase, ClinicalKey, The Cochrane Library.

3. Research paper must be 500 – 650 words.

4. Must present your writing double-spaced, in Times New Roman or Arial,with a font size 12.

5. Pay attention to grammar rules (spelling and syntax)

6. 3 or more scholarly sources must be utilized

7. Sources must be within the last 5 years

8. Must have a minimum of 3 Sources

9. All article sources must be cited by including them in the reference sheet (separate).


1. Weight Loss Outcomes Associated With Ozempic Treatment for Patients With Overweight or Obesity


Module 05 Written Assignment – Reflection

What have you learned so far in this course that will help you conduct effective health assessments?

What skills do you have you gained?

Describe any areas that are still unclear and ways you will gain clarity.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Answer all question


Watch the Netflix documentary “My Beautiful Broken Brain” and answer the following questions.  and  YouTube link to documentary: