discussion wk 2

 Based on your clinical practice area and location. What are some of the greatest cultural issues and trends that are frequently encountered? How do we as professional nurses rise to these challenges? Provide examples of cultural recognition and potential health-related issues while implementing evidence-based standards of care. 



The Organization name is :  (United Healthcare)- this is an Health insurance company 

  1. Consumer
  2. Context 

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations of Nursing



evidence based

NUR640 Week 3 Assignment 3.1 Page 1


Assignment Title: Sampling Methods

Step 3 for your Evidence-Based Practice Mini-Project (Research Proposal)

Assignment Overview:

For your Research Proposal Step 3, you will submit your target population listed and a clearly stated and though description of your study population with scholarly sources. There is a sampling plan that identifies the sampling method. There is a clear and thorough description of the sample. There is a precise procedure detailing how participants will be selected. There is a thorough description of the research setting, and a detailed description of the recruitment plan. There is a clear and thorough description of all ethical considerations related to your mini-research project.


The final copy of your Step 3 Research Proposal assignment is on or before Sunday at 11:59pm just before Week 4 begins at the latest. Be sure to use the file naming protocol: NUR640_EBP Step 3_last name_mmddyyyy.

Assignment Details:

For this assignment, you will write part of Step 3 of your Research Proposal. Use the discernment gained from your Human Subjects Certificate Discussion Board regarding ethical considerations for your own EBP Proposal.

Sampling Plan: Describe your sampling plan that identifies the sampling method you will utilize. Describe your sample in detail.

Research Setting: Describe your research setting. For example, is your setting where you work?

Recruitment Plan: Describe your recruitment plan in detail.

Ethical Considerations: Describe whether your EBP Proposal could go through an expedited IRB approval. Why or why not?

Note: In your Step 3 state what instrument you will be using for your EBP proposal.

Grading: Each part of your EBI proposal has a grading rubric. All submissions should have a title page and reference page. Each Step of the EBP Proposal will then be added together in Week 5 assignment which will be graded again based on a new rubric that includes your best revision based on weekly instructor detailed feedback. Points will be lost if suggestions are not incorporated into the final Week 5 Submission of your EBP Proposal. (See Week 5 Assignment rubric).





Word cloud generators have become popular tools for meetings and team-building events. Groups or teams are asked to use these applications to input words they feel best describe their team or their role. A “word cloud” is generated by the application that makes prominent the most-used terms, offering an image of the common thinking among participants of that role.

What types of words would you use to build a nursing word cloud? Empathetic, organized, hard-working, or advocate would all certainly apply. Would you add policy-maker to your list? Do you think it would be a very prominent component of the word cloud?

Nursing has become one of the largest professions in the world, and as such, nurses have the potential to influence policy and politics on a global scale. When nurses influence the politics that improve the delivery of healthcare, they are ultimately advocating for their patients. Hence, policy-making has become an increasingly popular term among nurses as they recognize a moral and professional obligation to be engaged in healthcare legislation.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To Prepare:

  • Revisit the Congress.gov website provided in the Resources and consider the role of RNs and APRNs in policy-making.
  • Reflect on potential opportunities that may exist for RNs and APRNs to participate in the policy-making process.


Post an explanation of at least two opportunities that exist for RNs and APRNs to actively participate in policy-making. Explain some of the challenges that these opportunities may present and describe how you might overcome these challenges. Finally, recommend two strategies you might make to better advocate for or communicate the existence of these opportunities to participate in policy-making. Be specific and provide examples.


Respond to at least two of your colleagues’* posts by suggesting additional opportunities or recommendations for overcoming the challenges described by your colleagues.


I need the paper I have attached to provide a concise description of my study.

Provide a concise and accurate description of the study. Describe the research question, significance, and aims for achieving the stated goals. Avoid discipline-specific technical language.

Below is JUST an Example what it should look like this is ONLY an EXAMPLE:

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a global public health crisis affecting female youths in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Studies have shown a high prevalence of GBV within SSA, ranging from 42.3% to 67.7%. Healthcare providers (HCPs) are crucial as survivors' first point of contact and are responsible for creating a safe environment. However, there is a notable gap in their training on GBV in SSA, leading to revictimization and survivors not seeking necessary care. While educational interventions have shown promise in improving health outcomes and reducing GBV, most research in this area has been conducted in high-income countries (HICs), leaving the relevance and effectiveness of such interventions in SSA uncertain. Effective interventions to address GBV in resource-limited healthcare settings necessitate understanding locally appropriate strategies. This research project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational training program on GBV for healthcare providers in Nigeria. The study will be conducted at Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), a first-generation Teaching Hospital under the Federal Ministry of Health, renowned for providing quality healthcare. Interested participants will attend an in-person educational workshop, enabling direct engagement and interaction. By piloting a GBV survey before and after the training program, the project aims to systematically examine knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy related to GBV screening and response (encompassing sexual violence, intimate partner violence, and stalking) among sub-Saharan African healthcare providers.

This research will develop a comprehensive understanding of GBV prevention and response measures, explicitly focusing on the unique context and resource limitations of healthcare settings in SSA. The project aims to bring together healthcare providers from nursing and midwifery within the teaching hospital, enabling comparisons related to knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy related to GBV screening and response. Findings from this project will inform the development of contextually appropriate prevention and response measures that can be implemented in other Nigerian states and eventually across the entire country. Baseline data will be obtained through pre-and post-surveys, focusing on GBV prevention practices and needs and resources related to GBV in healthcare. This data will inform future intervention pathways and contribute to developing sustainable and effective strategies. Stakeholder engagement at the teaching hospital will be facilitated through various means, including written materials such as policy briefs, case scenarios, lectures, and referrals to relevant resources. This project aims to foster long-term and sustainable change in addressing GBV by raising awareness among healthcare providers across Nigeria. This project fills a critical knowledge gap in provider training on GBV in SSA and contributes to developing evidence-based interventions. It can improve the quality of care provided to GBV survivors, reduce revictimization, and promote sustainable change in addressing GBV. By developing contextually appropriate prevention and response measures, this project has the potential to empower healthcare providers and enhance their preparedness to respond to GBV, ultimately leading to improved health outcomes, reduction in GBV incidents, and promote lasting change.

nurse discussion post

Evaluate the impact of aging on the structure and function of the pulmonary system. How do age-related changes, such as decreased lung elasticity and decreased respiratory muscle strength, affect respiratory function and increase susceptibility to respiratory disorders?


Week 3: The Integrative Literature Review

1. Perform a literature review using a minimum of seven (7) peer-reviewed articles
and books, as well as non-research literature such as evidence-based guidelines,
toolkits, standardized procedures, etc.

2. Review of areas in relationship to medicine, nursing, public health, etc.
3. The review should be critical and synthesize rather than just being a catalog of

4. Summarize the key findings of the research and its relevancy to your project that

point out the scientific status of the phenomenon under question. Such a
statement includes:

5. What we know and how well we know it.
6. What we do not know.
7. Describe any gaps in knowledge that you found and the effects this may have on

advanced practice nursing as it relates to your project topic.

Your integrative literature review should be 5–6 pages in length, not including the cover
or reference pages. You must reference a minimum of 7 scholarly articles published within the past 5–7

years. Use current APA format

NURS_691A_DE – NURS 691-A Rubric Week 3: Integrative Literature Review

NURS_691A_DE – NURS 691-A Rubric Week 3: Integrative Literature Review

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Critical Analysis 44 to >36.08 pts
Meets Expectations

Presents a thorough and insightful analysis of significant

findings related to the change project topic. Ideas are

synthesized and professionally sound and creative.

Insightful and comprehensive conclusions and solutions are

present. Knowledge gaps are identified and the implications

on nursing are expertly explored.

44 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Content 20 to >16.4 pts
Meets Expectations

A minimum of 7 peer-reviewed articles, books, or limited

non-research literature (tool kits or standardized

procedures) are present. Literature is supported by

scientific evidence that is credible and timely. Subtopics are

used to support the main topic. All in-text citations are

present and correctly formatted.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome Organization 8 to >6.56 pts
Meets Expectations

Content is well written throughout. Information is well

organized and clearly communicated.

8 pts

This criterion is linked to a

Learning Outcome APA

8 to >6.56 pts
Meets Expectations

Follows all the requirements related to format, length,

source citations, and layout. Assignment is free of spelling

and grammatical errors.

8 pts

Total Points: 80


  • Week 3: The Integrative Literature Review


1: Title • Title: Understanding Asthma and COPD

• Subtitle: Essential Knowledge for Nurse Practitioners 

2: Introduction

• Brief overview of the importance of Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Glucocorticoids) and Bronchodilators in healthcare. 

• Mention the aim of the presentation: to provide an understanding of different types of Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Glucocorticoids) and Bronchodilators and their clinical applications. 

3: Management of asthma and COPD 

• Classification of asthma severity 

• Classification of COPD (air flow limitation severity)

4: Types of drug treatments

• Detail the two main categories: Oral and Inhaled Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators 

• Mention common examples from each category. 

5: Oral Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids, phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitors) and bronchodilators (Methylxanthine)

• Discuss commonly used oral Glucocorticoids like Prednisone, Montelukast, Roflumilast and Theophylline.

• Emphasize their indications, dosages, and monitoring requirements.

6: Inhaled Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators (Anticholinergic, b2 adrenergic agonist)

• Explain the use of inhaled drugs such as Beclomethasone, Cromolyn, Ipratropium, Tiotropium, and Albuterol, Salmeterol.

• Describe when and how these are administered (types of inhalation devices, Meter-dose inhalers, dry-powder inhaler, and nebulizers). 

7: Anti-inflammatory drugs (Monoclonal antibodies) 

• Highlight the benefits and considerations (Blackbox warning) of Omalizumab

8: Monitoring and Safety 

• Discuss the importance of regular monitoring therapy. 

• Address safety concerns.

10: Patient Education 

• Provide key points for patient education regarding Anti-inflammatory drugs (Glucocorticoids) and bronchodilators therapy.

• Emphasize compliance.

11: Conclusion 

• Summarize key takeaways from the presentation.

• Reiterate the importance of nurse practitioners’ role in managing Asthma and COPD therapy. 

12 Resources

• Provide references and recommended readings for further learning.

The group PPT should have a minimum of 20 slides and no more than 40 with speaker notes. (Including group members, outline, reference page). Reference and citations must be in APA format 6th or 7th Ed. 

The presentation should be directed to the pharmacological management of the disease. It should include the following: Drug indications, drug classification, generic name and most common brand name, mechanism of action, side effects, drug interactions, use of the drug in different populations and important pearls.

Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice


Discuss the differences and similarities between quantitative, qualitative and mix methods research studies. 

(2 hrs.)

Please include 400 words in your initial post and two scholarly references by Wednesday 23:59pm. Please include a 200 words in two answers to your peers by Saturday 23:59. Please refer to the discussion rubric.