DIscussion asignment

 Mixed methods research designs combine quantitative and qualitative research methods to answer research questions requiring both perspectives. Describe the pros and cons of a mixed method research design. Please include 400 words in your initial post with two scholarly references 

Nursing Reflection assignment

 As the term winds down, think about what you’re going to take away from this class. The questions below should guide your thinking, but feel free to volunteer additional information if you feel it is relevant. You are expected to write a minimum of 200 words for this assignment. This is the last assignment, so give it your best effort!

1) At the beginning of this term, what did you expect to learn from this course?

2) Did the course require more of less effort than you thought it would?

3) What was your favorite part of this course? (Be specific)

4) What was your least favorite part? (Be specific)

5) What was something unexpected that you learned?

6) What do you feel was the most valuable thing you learned?

7) What benefits does this class provide for your career choice at WCU?

8) What would you change about this class?

9) What advice would you give an incoming student on how to prepare for this course?

Case study Analysis 2

***This assignment utilizes TurnItIn.  When you submit this assignment to the assignment drop box, it will automatically be submitted to TurnItIn.  You will receive an Originality Score along with an Originality Report that should be carefully reviewed.  If revisions need to be made to your assignment, you will be able to make additional submissions, and you will quickly receive updated Originally feedback. It is important to plan ahead so that you have enough time to review your originality feedback and make any revisions to your assignment 
before the final due date. Please see instructions for using TurnItIn in the Course Welcome module under Useful Resources.

How many submissions to TurnItIn are allowed?

· For 3000 level courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)

· For 4000 level courses, you will be allowed a total of two (2) submissions to TII (original plus 1 additional) (excluding elective courses LDR 4400, NSG 4310, NSG 4410, NSG 4430)

· For elective courses, you will be allowed a total of three (3) submissions to TII (original plus 2 additional)

NOTE:  If you must submit your assignment 
AFTER the due date, please refer to the RN to BSN Late Assignment Policy in the Syllabus for questions related to a request to submit a late assignment.

Assignment Instructions: 

· Review the case study scenario below and the client's family history and medical profile information from unit 1.  

· Next, write a 6-8-page paper analysis of the client (including title and reference page) according to the assignment specifications, outline, and grading rubric. 

Case Study 2 Scenario:

Client, William Collins, arrived to the emergency room for an exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The emergency department nurse enters the triage room to find Mr. Collins sitting at the side of the bed leaning forward with both arms on the bedside tray. He complains he is having shortness of breath that he is unable to control with his usual medications. His son is with him at the bedside because his wife is unable to come with him due to dialysis. 

Case Study Analysis Assignment Outline: 

 The case study analysis paper should include the following sections with responses and rationales for all the prompts.

Introduction (3-5 paragraphs) 

Provide an overview of the pathophysiology of the disease exhibited by the client. Include: 

· What additional assessment findings would you look for? 

· What lab abnormalities would you expect to see? 

· What diagnostics would you anticipate the healthcare team ordering? 

· Provide a rationale for your answers. 

Implications for Self-Care (2 paragraphs) 

· Consider Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and describe where the client falls in that hierarchy and how this will impact care and healing.  

· How does this disease process impact the client’s and/or their care provider’s ability to care for themselves? 

Patient Education Strategy (2-3 paragraphs) 

· Identify 3-5 appropriate nursing interventions and teaching points for your client based on the pathophysiology and assessment findings. 

· Describe the educational strategies that should be incorporated when building a plan of care for your client. 

· Support with rationale. 

Interdisciplinary Collaboration (2-3 paragraphs) 

· Identify 2-4 interdisciplinary team members who need to be included in the care of the client. Include rationale. 

· Consider the care the client will need while inpatient and upon discharge.  

· Consider nutrition, community services, and financial implications. 


· Summarize the key concepts of this disease process and client case study scenario.  


· A minimum of three references should be used in this paper.  

· References should be no more than five years old. 
Exceptions include seminal works, such as original publications by nurse theorists.  

· One reference must be your textbook, 

· One reference must be from a peer-reviewed journal,  

· One reference must be from an authoritative website such as the CDC, NIH or Healthy People 2030.

Assignment Specifications: 

· Name the paper with a File Naming Protocol: When you save the paper, name it: LastName_NSG 3300_CaseStudyAnalysis_1.docx 

· Paper reflects clinical and professional client/cases, and no references to personal or family issues.

APA Formatting 

· All papers should be written in APA formatting. This paper should include: 

· Formal components, such as a title page, and APA formatting with an introductory and conclusion paragraph that summarizes the key concepts 

· APA-formatted 
level headings 

· APA margin, font, and paragraph spacing 

· Include page numbers 

· Appropriate in-text reference citations 

· A reference page, in correct APA format 


Reflection on The Evidence-Nursing Practice Connection

Discussion reply

Hello class!

Good Morning,

One barrier that keeps nurses from engaging in evidence-based-practice is a lack of knowledge and understanding in the practice. Most of the time nurses work a unit and become familiar with that unit and most unit are broken up based on body system affected. Working in mental health I would be nervous getting pulled to another unit because it is not what I am used to. Yes, while in nursing school we learn all the systems but once you find what you like, you try to stick with that field. One strategy you could use to facilitate the use of evidence-based practice is to encourage to use of a mentor program especially for new nursing graduates.  Mentoring or just having a supportive environment makes learning and using evidence much easier.

During the beginning of this course, I didn’t really think about evidence-based practice, it was just something we as nurses used. I learned the importance of evidence-based research and how it improves nursing practices.  Learning how to correctly present an issue and suggested steps to improve this issue and how it would affect patients and staff. That was the most helpful I even presented an issue to my supervisor, and it was forwarded to the director, So now I just need to complete the presentation to the Leadership committee next week. Hopefully it goes well. But still nervous!

( Jennifer)


Ginex, P. K. (2023, August 18). Overcome barriers to applying an evidence-based process for practice change. ONS Voice. https://voice.ons.org/news-and-views/overcome-barriers-to-applying-an-evidence-based-process-for-practice-change#:~:text=Barriers%20to%20EBP%20Change&text=Lack%20of%20time%20is%20often,the%20clinical%20problem%20being%20addressed.

Bvorel. (2023, March 16). Nurses implement evidence-based practice. EMU Online. https://online.emich.edu/degrees/healthcare/rn-to-bsn/nurses-implement-evidence-based-practice/

Conc of Pathophys week 3 discussion

Week 3 Discussion: Myocardial Infarction (MI) (USLOs 1, 2, 3, 4)

You are the nurse caring for a 48-year Leslie Collins, retired army officer for the United States military, He arrives to the emergency department after experiencing chest pain and shortness of breath.  His EKG indicated he had a myocardial infarction (MI). He has a history of hypertension and high cholesterol. He states he used to smoke about 15 years ago, he has no other reported risk factors.

Based on this information, your prior knowledge of this client (refer to medical card from the Collins-Kim family tree interactive), and your knowledge of the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction (MI), respond to the following prompts:


1. Thoroughly explain the pathophysiology of myocardial infarction (MI). Use a 
scholarly or 
authoritative source to support your answer.

2. Examine each of the following three factors related to this disease process. 
Support all three with a scholarly source.
environmental implications

3. Identify 3-5 priority nursing interventions for the client while in the 
emergency department.

4. Describe labs and diagnostic testing you would want to include in client’s plan of care and why. What are critical indicators? 
Support with a scholarly source.

5. What members of the interdisciplinary team need to be included for holistic patient-centered care? 
Provide a rationale and support with a scholarly source.

Week 7 M see attachment.



Week 7

Midweek Comprehension Questions



As mentioned in the lesson, for the healthcare professional to be an effective patient advocate, he or she must understand how information technology affects the patient and the subsequent delivery of care. Continue to reflect upon what does this statement means to you and your responsibilities as a future APN. Provide a brief response (100 words or less) 



Nursing is a very highly regulated profession. There are over 100 boards of nursing and national nursing associations throughout the United States and its territories. Their existence helps regulate, inform, and promote the nursing profession. With such numbers, it can be difficult to distinguish between BONs and nursing associations, and overwhelming to consider various benefits and options offered by each.

Both boards of nursing and national nursing associations have significant impacts on the nurse practitioner profession and scope of practice. Understanding these differences helps lend credence to your expertise as a professional. In this Assignment, you will practice the application of such expertise by communicating a comparison of boards of nursing and professional nurse associations. You will also share an analysis of your state board of nursing.


· Milstead, J. A., & Short, N. M. (2019). 
Health policy and politics: A nurse's guide (6th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

· Chapter 4, “Government Response: Regulation” (pp. 57–84)

· American Nurses Association. (n.d.). 

ANA enterprise

Links to an external site.
. Retrieved September 20, 2018, from http://www.nursingworld.org

· Bosse, J., Simmonds, K., Hanson, C., Pulcini, J., Dunphy, L., Vanhook, P., & Poghosyan, L. (2017). 

Position statement: Full practice authority for advanced practice registered nurses is necessary to transform primary careLinks to an external site.

Nursing Outlook, 65(6), 761–765.

· Halm, M. A. (2018). 

Evaluating the impact of EBP education: Development of a modified Fresno test for acute care nursing

 Download Evaluating the impact of EBP education: Development of a modified Fresno test for acute care nursing

Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 15(4), 272–280. doi:10.1111/wvn.12291


National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN)Links to an external site.
. (n.d.). Retrieved September 20, 2018, from https://www.ncsbn.org/index.htm

· Neff, D. F., Yoon, S. H., Steiner, R. L., Bumbach, M. D., Everhart, D., & Harman J. S. (2018). 

The impact of nurse practitioner regulations on population access to careLinks to an external site.

Nursing Outlook, 66(4), 379–385.

· Peterson, C., Adams, S. A., & DeMuro, P. R. (2015). 

mHealth: Don’t forget all the stakeholders in the business caseLinks to an external site.

Medicine 2.0, 4(2), e4.

To Prepare:

· Assume that you are leading a staff development meeting on regulation for nursing practice at your healthcare organization or agency.

· Review the NCSBN and ANA websites to prepare for your presentation.

The Assignment: (8- to 9-slide PowerPoint presentation)

Develop a 8- to 9-slide PowerPoint Presentation that addresses the following:

· Describe the differences between a board of nursing and a professional nurse association.

· Describe the board for your specific region/area.

· Who is on the board?

· How does one become a member of the board?

· Describe at least one state regulation related to general nurse scope of practice.

· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

· If a patient is from another culture, how would this regulation impact the nurse's care/education?

· Describe at least one state regulation related to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs).

· How does this regulation influence the nurse’s role?

· How does this regulation influence delivery, cost, and access to healthcare?

· Has there been any change to the regulation within the past 5 years? Explain.  

· Include Speaker Notes on Each Slide (except on the title page and reference page)

Submit your Regulation for Nursing Practice Staff Development Meeting Presentation.

Reply to 2 Discussions

Please see the attachment for the instructions


 Explain your null hypothesis and alternate hypotheses for your research question and identify the dependent and independent variables that you would recommend to best support the research study 

clinical ethics

Apply this model (table 2-1) to a challenging situation in your nursing career that required you to consider the ethical dimensions of the patient case and the role you played in providing care. Specifically apply and address the questions within each topic area as they pertain to your situation.

In your conclusion, discuss the impact of the Four Topics process. Did applying these principles shape your decision making in any way?  Does this seem like a valid process for you to apply in your practice? 

TABLE 2-1 Four Topics Method for Analysis of Clinical Ethics Cases

Medical Indications: The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence

1. What is the patient’s medical problem? Is the problem acute? Chronic? Critical? Reversible? Emergent? Terminal?

2.  What are the goals of treatment?

3.  In what circumstances are medical treatments not indicated?

4.  What are the probabilities of success of various treatment options?

5.  In sum, how can this patient be benefited by medical and nursing care, and how can harm be avoided?

Patient Preferences:  The Principle of Respect for Autonomy

1. Has the patient been informed of benefits and risks, understood this information, and given consent?

2.  Is the patient mentally capable and legally competent, and is there evidence of incapacity?

3.  If mentally capable, what preferences about treatment is the patient stating?

4.  If incapacitated, has the patient expressed prior preferences?

5.  Who is the appropriate surrogate to make decisions for the incapacitated patient?

6.  Is the patient unwilling or unable to cooperate with medical treatment? If so, why?

Quality of Life: The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence and Respect for Autonomy

1.  What are the prospects, with or without treatment, for a return to normal life, and what physical, mental, and social deficits might the patient experience even if treatment succeeds?

2.  On what grounds can anyone judge that some quality of life would be undesirable for a patient who cannot make or express such a judgment?

3.  Are there biases that might prejudice the provider’s evaluation of the patient’s quality of life?

4.  What ethical issues arise concerning improving or enhancing a patient’s quality of life?

5.  Do quality-of-life assessments raise any questions regarding changes in treatment plans, such as forgoing life-sustaining treatment?

6.  What are plans and rationale to forgo life-sustaining treatment?

7.  What is the legal and ethical status of suicide?

Contextual Features: The Principles of Justice and Fairness

1.  Are there professional, interprofessional, or business interests that might create conflicts of interest in the clinical treatment of patients?

2.  Are there parties other than clinicians and patients, such as family members, who have an interest in clinical decisions?

3.  What are the limits imposed on patient confidentiality by the legitimate interests of third parties?

4.  Are there financial factors that create conflicts of interest in clinical decisions?

5.  Are there problems of allocation of scarce health resources that might affect clinical decisions?

6.  Are there religious issues that might influence clinical decisions?

7.  What are the legal issues that might affect clinical decisions?

8.  Are there considerations of clinical research and education that might affect clinical decisions?

9.  Are there issues of public health and safety that affect clinical decisions?

10.  Are there conflicts of interest within institutions and organizations (e.g., hospitals) that may affect clinical decisions and patient welfare?