Week 9 replies-5550

Reply to two other student posts with a reflection of their response.  Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work. (300 words minimum).

Upload turnit in ai similarity report of replies to texts attached in the document (MUST BE BELOW 20%)

Brooklyn, NY 11214


Brooklyn, 11214

II. Community core and Supportive Data (Photos, clips, web and historical documentation can be used here for support)7%

  1. a.Ethnic history (ethnic landmarks or signs of gentrification can be discussed here)
  2. b.Cultural history (cultural landmarks can be highlighted here, types of buildings, historical developments etc.)
  3. c.County history
  4. d.Demographics and ethnicity according to documentation (website info or library details)
  5. e.Educational distribution (schools, educational resources and level of education of community members)
  6. f.Vital Statistics of the community (overall health status, births, deaths, health resources)
  7. g.Values, Beliefs, Religions

Nursing unit 1 assignment

see attached

Case Soap Note 2

See attachment 

NUR 445 – Week 5 Discussion: Ethical Issues

Step 1 In your initial post of approximately 150 words, identify an ethical or legal issues or dilemmas that you have encountered in your practice. Use defining ethical terms in your post (for example, fidelity, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and so on).How was the situation resolved? Did the resolution follow ethical principles? 

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm MT.
 Use one creditable source to support each response post.

For Profit vs. Not For Profit


Private, nongovernmental healthcare organizations may be either for profit (FP) or not for profit (NFP).

  • Discuss the difference between not-for-profit and for-profit organizations.
  • What happens if an NFP organization makes a profit?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of organization?
  • Describe two specific examples of how risk management has influenced nursing documentation.

Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. 

ADV NSG practice


Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to add to the body of knowledge, advance the profession, and ultimately help in the care of patients. Work that lacks integrity is subject to erode quickly or worse.

Fortunately, there are strategies and tools that can help ensure integrity in academic and professional work. This Assignment asks you to consider these tools and how you might apply them to your own work.

In this Assignment you will continue developing your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan by appending the original document you began in the previous assignment.

To Prepare:

· Reflect on the strategies presented in the Resources for this Module in support of academic style, integrity, and scholarly ethics.

· Reflect on the connection between academic and professional integrity.

The Assignment:

Part 2, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Using the Academic and Professional Success Development Template you began in Module 1, write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis that includes the following:

· Explanation for the relationship between academic integrity and writing

· Explanation for the relationship between professional practices and scholarly ethics

· Cite at least two resources that support your arguments, being sure to use proper APA formatting.

· Use Grammarly and Turnitin to improve the product.

· Explain how Grammarly, Turnitin, and paraphrasing contributes to academic integrity.

Part 2, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

Expand on your thoughts from Section 1 by identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your:

1. academic work as a student of the MSN program and 

2. professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.


 Add your work for this Assignment to the original document you began in the Module 1 Assignment, which was built from the Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template.

Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


Required readings

· American Nurses Association. (2015). 

Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statementsLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved from https://www.nursingworld.org/coe-view-only

· American Psychological Association. (2020). 
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

· Chapter 1, “Scholarly Writing and Publishing Principles”

· Section 1.17, “Implications of Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism” (p. 21)

· Chapter 4, “Writing Style and Grammar”

· Chapter 8, “Works Credited in the Text”

· Section 8.2, “Plagiarism” (p. 254)

· Section 8.3, “Self-Plagiarism” (p. 256)

· Chapter 10, “Reference Examples”

· Alba, B. (2018). 

Factors that impact on emergency nurses’ ethical decision-making abilityLinks to an external site.

Nursing Ethics, 25(7), 855–866. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969733016674769

· Glasper, A. (2016). 

Does cheating by students undermine the integrity of the nursing profession?Links to an external site.
British Journal of Nursing, 25(16), 932–933.


NLN Ethical Principles for Nursing EducationLinks to an external site.
. (2012). 
Nursing Education Perspective, 33(1), 65.

· Walden University Academic Skills Center. (n.d.). 

ASC success strategies: PlagiarismLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/ASCsuccess/ASCplagiarism

· Walden Office of Student Affairs. (n.d.). 

SafeAssign tutorialsLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/studentaffairs/academicintegrity/safe-assign-turn-it-in

· Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). 

APA style: OverviewLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa

· Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.). 

APA style: APA basics checklistLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved May 3, 2021, https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/apa/checklist

· Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.)

Grammarly: OverviewLinks to an external site.
. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from https://academicguides.waldenu.edu/writingcenter/grammarly


Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template

 Download Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Template
(Word document)


Citing a Discussion Posting in APA Style

 Download Citing a Discussion Posting in APA Style



Common APA Style and Formatting Challenges

 Download Common APA Style and Formatting Challenges


Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

 Download Introduction to Scholarly Writing: Plagiarism and Academic Integrity

For wendy

Attaching file, but there is nothing that says dashboard fyi ?

NUR 445 Week 1 Discussion: Brainstorming Change Project

Step 1: Consider what change you would like to initiate that will benefit the healthcare community.

Discuss how you plan to facilitate making contact with a nurse leader and post a draft change project that willl impact quality improvement as  a narrative for students and faculty to review.

familiar clinical practice

Think about a familiar clinical practice area where interest groups are attempting to bring about a change in clinical care or systems of service delivery.  Assume new, game-changing research finding are published and received wide attention.  Identify groups that might have an interest in these finding.  What are their likely reactions to new research?