It is one of the most cliché of clichés, but it nevertheless rings true: The only constant is change. As a nursing professional, you are no doubt aware that success in the healthcare field requires the ability to adapt to change, as the pace of change in healthcare may be without rival.

As a professional, you will be called upon to share expertise, inform, educate, and advocate. Your efforts in these areas can help lead others through change. In this Assignment, you will propose a change within your organization and present a comprehensive plan to implement the change you propose.

 To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and identify one change that you believe is called for in your organization/workplace.
    • This may be a change necessary to effectively address one or more of the issues you addressed in the Workplace Environment Assessment you submitted in Module 4. It may also be a change in response to something not addressed in your previous efforts. It may be beneficial to discuss your ideas with your organizational leadership and/or colleagues to help identify and vet these ideas.
  • Reflect on how you might implement this change and how you might communicate this change to organizational leadership.

The Assignment (5-6-minute narrated PowerPoint presentation):

Change Implementation and Management Plan

Create a 5- or 6-slide narrated PowerPoint that presents a comprehensive plan to implement changes you propose. 

Your narrated presentation should be 5–6 minutes in length.

Your Change Implementation and Management Plan should include the following:

  • An executive summary of the issues that are currently affecting your organization/workplace (This can include the work you completed in your Workplace Environment Assessment previously submitted, if relevant.)
  • A description of the change being proposed
  • Justifications for the change, including why addressing it will have a positive impact on your organization/workplace
  • Details about the type and scope of the proposed change
  • Identification of the stakeholders impacted by the change
  • Identification of a change management team (by title/role)
  • A plan for communicating the change you propose
  • A description of risk mitigation plans you would recommend to address the risks anticipated by the change you propose

Alternate Submission Method

You may also use Kaltura Personal Capture to record your narrated PowerPoint. This option will require you to create your PowerPoint slides first. Then, follow the Personal Capture instructions outlined on the Kaltura Media UploaderLinks to an external site. page. This page will walk you through downloading the tool and help you become familiar with the features of Personal Capture. When you are ready to begin recording, you may turn off the webcam option so that only “Screen” and “Audio” are enabled. Start your recording and then open your PowerPoint to slide show view. Once the recording is complete, follow the instructions found on the “Posting Your Video in the Classroom Guide” found on the Kaltura Media page for instructions on how to submit your video. For this option, in addition to submitting your video, you must also upload your PowerPoint file which must include your speaker notes. 


The diagnosis of psychiatric emergencies can include a wide range of problems—from serious drug reactions to abuse and suicidal ideation/behaviors. Regardless of care setting, the PMHNP must know how to address emergencies, coordinate care with other members of the health care team and law enforcement officials (when indicated), and effectively communicate with family members who are often overwhelmed in emergency situations. In their role, PMHNPs can ensure a smooth transition from emergency mental health care to follow-up care, and also bridge the physical–mental health divide in healthcare.

In this week’s Assignment, you explore legal and ethical issues surrounding psychiatric emergencies, and identify evidence-based suicide and violence risk assessments. 


· Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights they provide about psychiatric emergencies and the ethical and legal issues surrounding these events.


In 2–3 pages, address the following:

· Explain your state laws for involuntary psychiatric holds for child and adult psychiatric emergencies. Include who can hold a patient and for how long, who can release the emergency hold, and who can pick up the patient after a hold is released.

· Explain the differences among emergency hospitalization for evaluation/psychiatric hold, inpatient commitment, and outpatient commitment in your state.

· Explain the difference between capacity and competency in mental health contexts.

· Select one of the following topics, and explain one legal issue and one ethical issue related to this topic that may apply within the context of treating psychiatric emergencies: patient autonomy, EMTALA, confidentiality, HIPAA privacy rule, HIPAA security rule, protected information, legal gun ownership, career obstacles (security clearances/background checks), and payer source.

· Identify one evidence-based suicide risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

· Identify one evidence-based violence risk assessment that you could use to screen patients.

Ways of learning

Ways of learning

Discussion 250 words. Make sure you provide 2 references and utilize APA style.. . Discussion Rubric



1.What are the benefits and the challenges of offering group psychotherapy services within both inpatient and outpatient clinical environments?

2.Discuss key components of group process that occur during all phases of group development, giving examples of patient-focused activity that occurs during each phase.

3.Describe how various theoretical orientations could be used when leading short-term group psychotherapy. What patient populations or clinical presentations would be best served by each theoretical framework.

4.Discuss the benefits and challenges of using one or two group therapists during a psychotherapeutic intervention.

5.Discuss the importance of identifying ground rules, especially in relation to confidentiality for group psychotherapy services.

6.Describe how group psychotherapy differs from individual psychotherapy and describe the types of patients who might be better served by group psychotherapy.

7.Identify a specific group you would like to lead in your practice and discuss the purpose, your target population, how you would screen and recruit participants, establishing a fee schedule, the time frame (open or closed), number of participants, theoretical orientation for the group, selection of a co-therapist or why you do not want a co-therapist, marketing and advertising, and length of each session.

To reflect, write one or two paragraphs with a minimum of 150 words, scholarly written, APA formatted, and referenced. A minimum of two references are required (other than your text). Refer to the Grading Rubric for Online Discussion in the Course Resource section. (For this week, a peer response is not required).

Women in Colonial America

  • Pick two colonies (New England, Middle, or Southern colonies) and explain how women’s roles differ in the two colonies of your choice.
  • Describe what legal rights women held during the colonial period.
  • Analyze how Native women’s lives were different from colonial women’s lives.

Advocacy letter

Preparation for writing the Advocacy Letter

1. Choose a topic that interests you.

2. If you are unsure what to advocate for or against, look at professional organizations for inspiration:



Maryland Public Health Association

3. Look for advocacy groups that are working on the issue. We don't have to recreate the wheel.  See what strategies the advocacy groups are supporting. For example: Brady and Gifford non-profits focus on gun policy. 

4. Decide if you want to make change within an agency, at the local, state or federal level. Find the decision maker appropriate to that level. Click here to
find your elected official.

5. If you are writing to a legislator, look at that person’s website to see their position on the issue. Please do not ‘preach to the choir’—that is, if they already support the issue, it does no good to throw more facts at them.

6. If you are addressing a national issue, and your legislator aligns with your proposed action, consider looking at the committee that would hear a bill about your issue.

a. If there is a proposed bill that has not been active, you can ask the chair of the committee to bring it back up in committee.

b. Click here to
check for federal bills.

7. If you are addressing a state issue, the Maryland General Assembly meets January- April of each year.

a. You can see if state bill on your issue was unsuccessful in 2018, and ask your legislator to re-introduce it in 2019.

b. Click here to
check for state bills.

8. For evidence to support your proposed action, use the One Search through HS/HSL for the broadest results. If you are still having trouble finding articles, the premier journal for public health research is called The Nation's Health.

9. Reminders from the rubric:

a. Include your ‘Ask’ clearly and concisely in the first paragraph. In busy offices, staff may not read the entire letter.

b. In the same vein, keep the letter one page. References can be on a second page.

c. Include your credentials. All of you are BSN Candidates (and add whatever other credentials you have). This adds a professional weight to your voice.

10. As always, please let me know of any questions.


Check the file

Wk 1 Disc CC

My assigned number was 6 which is: Inferior vs. Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction

Initial post:Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based. For example, with Posturing: discuss what causes postering, how do you assess postering, what disease processes cause different types of postering, why is it vital for a critical care nurse to understand the physiology of posturing. Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style. Each week include a paragraph with the results from one of your weekly interviews.Discussion post assignments are worth 20 points each as follows: 

  • 5 points for the quality of your bullet points.
  • 5 points for the quality of your question.
  • 5 points for answering the question of a peer as your response.
  • 5 points for the quality of your rationale.
    • Quality is defined as thorough and thoughtful while demonstrating professional level knowledge of the topic

doctor of nursing practice


As a Doctor of Nursing practice (DNP) graduate, address the following questions;

1. When you start using the term “doctor,” do you believe physicians, pharmacists, or other professionals with practicing doctorates would intimidate you? And if so, how will you handle these circumstances?

2. What strategy would you employ to address this problem in your situation if you encounter resistance to your proper title?

3. What strategies may DNP holders employ, in your opinion, to raise public knowledge and comprehension of the DNP degree?

Document this assignment in a 3 pages word document. Include 5 articles published in last 5 years.