Identify Health Trends within Counties

How do we identify health Trends?


Week 4

Skin Comprehensive SOAP Note Template

Patient Initials: _______ Age: _______ Gender: _______


Chief Complaint (CC):

History of Present Illness (HPI):



Past Medical History (PMH):

Past Surgical History (PSH):

Sexual/Reproductive History:

Personal/Social History:

Health Maintenance:

Immunization History:

Significant Family History:

Review of Systems:




Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular:








Physical Exam:

Vital signs:





Heart/Peripheral Vascular:






Diagnostic results:


This section is not required for the assignments in this course (NURS 6512), but will be required for future courses.

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Advanced pathophysiology

Fluid and Electrolyte Case Study

Case Study:

A 65 year old female is admitted to your unit complaining of nausea vomiting and diarrhea for 3 days. Her history is unremarkable except hypertension for which she takes hydrochlorothiazide. She relates feeling exhausted and having leg cramps which interfere with her sleeping. Notable assessment findings include:

Temp: 38.6C. AP 102 and irregular, BP 90/50; absent bowel tones, dry skin and poor turgor, and poor muscle tone. As the causes

Labs: K 2.0mEq/L; NA 137 mEq/L; CL 97 mEq/L; and WBC 20,000/ul.

MD orders:

I V D50 .9%Nacl with 20mEq KCL/L to infuse @ 90cc/hr.

40mEq of KCL IV over the next 2 ho0urs

K level 30 minutes after the 40mEq IV KCL has infused.

Bedrest: May use Bathroom



1. What fluid and electrolyte disturbances does this client have?

2. What electrolyte disturbance is o0f most concern with this client and why?

3. What signs and symptoms that the patient exhibits can result from this electrolyte disturbance?

4. What do you suspect as the cause(s) of this electrolyte disturbance?

5. What type of solution is D50NS + 20 mEq KCL?

6. Would you question any of these orders? Why or why not?

7. Would you expect to see any changes on an EKG if one is taken?

See Below


Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? Throughout your degree program, you will use research literature to explore ideas, guide your thinking, and gain new insights. As you search the research literature, it is important to use resources that are peer-reviewed and from scholarly journals. You may already have some favorite online resources and databases that you use or have found useful in the past. For this Discussion, you explore databases available through the Walden Library.

Discussion post ( question to answer)

Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice( PHMNP) area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.

assist week 4

Week 4 – Assignment: Analyze Quality Performance

Improvement requires the ability to effectively analyze data. While extensive knowledge in using statistical analysis tools is desirable, health administrators adept at constructing charts and analyzing the organizational data as compared to established benchmarks yields valuable information.

For your assignment this week, you will prepare an Analysis Report paper. Begin your assignment with the following steps:

1.Read the case study published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) featuring Tampa General Hospital's use of the AHRQ tools to improve quality measures. The link to the Tampa General Hospital's case study is found in your Weekly Resources.

 After reading the Tampa General Hospital case study, you will access the
Hospital Compare website link found in your Weekly Resources. At this site, you will insert Tampa, Florida into the location box, select Hospital as the type of facility, and insert Tampa General Hospital into the name box. Once the webpage for Tampa General Hospital is accessed, click on
Patient Survey Ratings. Here you will find the hospital's patient satisfaction ratings along with the state and national ratings in each category.

 With these data, you will use an Excel spreadsheet to insert the type of indicator (i.e.,
Patients who reports their nurses always communicated well and the observed score for Tampa General Hospital as well as the average Florida and National scores provided). Repeat this process to include all 10 statements of patient satisfaction.

Once your spreadsheet data is complete, create a bar graph by clicking on Insert in the top header and selecting the bar graph to visually display the comparison of Tampa General Hospital's scores to the state and national average scores. Instead of using Excel, you may alternately create a Table in Microsoft Word using the same data as described above placed in a table. Once the table is complete, click Insert from the ribbon at the top of the page, and then click Chart. From here, select Bar chart and use the Clustered Bar Chart style. For either method, make sure all three data sources are depicted in the chart. An example of how to set up your table and the resulting bar graph that is both required in your paper are shown. Keep in mind the information you retrieve is a single data set and does not represent performance over time, but rather represents a snapshot of organizational performance as compared to external standards.

 Next, you will click on
Quality in the Tampa General Hospital's website header and scroll down to
Complications and Deaths. Once the section expands, scroll down to
Infections. In the
Infection's section, you will find the quality score for the topic in the case study regarding catheter-associated urinary catheter infections (CAUTI). Record the score for Tampa General Hospital for this measure and note the national benchmark score of 1. You will analyze this score as it compares to the national score and its relevance to the case study.

 Lastly, you will prepare your Analysis Report paper that contains an introductory section, the body of your report containing your analysis of Tamps General Hospital's patient satisfaction ratings and the comparison of the ratings to the state and national scores, and your analysis of the CAUTI infection rate compared to the national rate. You will also include a summary section in your paper. You will insert your Clustered Bar graph (see example) with the 10 statements and scores as a Figure into your discussion and analysis of the scores. The table you created (see example) to display the 10 statements and the hospital, state, and national scores will be in an appendix to your report. Be sure to check APA guidelines for using an appendix in a report, how to label figures and tables.

Table example: 

Patient satisfaction survey statements

Tampa General Hospital rating

Florida rating

National rating

Patients who reports their nurses always communicated well




Clustered Bar graph example from data in table example:

A graph of a patient survey  Description automatically generated

length: A minimum of 5 pages, not including the title page, reference page, and the appendix



 Thinking back over this course, what were the three most important or most interesting things you learned? How do you envision using the information you learned in your future nursing practice? What steps will you take to ensure your success in the master’s program? 

skin, nail, hear

ppt presentetion, with 20 slides about skin, hear, and nail

Peer Response 1

Be sure to provide 2 APA citations of the supporting evidence-based peer-reviewed articles you selected to support your thinking.

****1 paragraph for each peer response and 2 citations.********

Please be sure to follow EACH AND EVERY BULLET POINT.

(TOPIC is based on the peer that’s being reviewed)

Please do not plagiarize nor reword another person’s assignment that has been previously submitted.

Look at the attachment for responses that are needed!!!

using the paradigms of health, discuss the link between health and behavior. Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health.

 using the paradigms of health, discuss the link between health and behavior.  Describes how this relationship affects social determinants of health.  500 words APA format at least 2 references of less than 5 years old


Using at least 4 current (within the past 5 years), relevant, peer-reviewed resources, create a literature review that does the following:

· Describes the project's topic, resources reviewed, and conclusions of each article.

· Summarizes the principal findings of the research and their relevance to the project's proposed outcomes.

This paper should be at least 2 pages in length and reference